Relational needs

During Playing-2-gether you have to take the child’s relational needs into account as much as possible. With relational needs we refer to the child’s specific needs in the teacher-child relationship.

Example: A child that regularly wants to cuddle, hold your hand, sit on your lap, … can have a need for affection from you.

Example: A child that constantly says he/she cannot do things, that quickly gives up or gets angry if things don’t work out, … can have a need for help or encouragement.

Example: A child that comes to you a lot to tell you what happened at home, in the playground, during the holidays, can feel a need for someone who listens or for attention.

The main questions you should ask yourself to determine the child’s relational needs are:

– What does this particular child need in the relationship with me as a teacher?
– What can I offer?
– Why do I think that the child has this specific need?

To answer these questions, you can rely on your own observations during class, other teachers’ observations or background information you have about the child.

Almost all children need a sense of acceptance, safety, firmness, … However, Playing-2-gether mainly wants you to think carefully about the child’s most prominent relational needs at that moment.

Taking the relational needs of the child(ren) into account is something you should do/practice during the whole day in preschool.

Next, you can watch video fragments where the teachers of our project taking into account the relational needs of the children in their classroom.

These videos are financed by the EU Erasmus+ grant. Authors are responsible for the content.

Relational needs. Need for sharing thoughts and feelings/really listening.

Teacher Dagmar is listening to Yohan (6 yrs. old) while Yohan is putting together jigsaw puzzle. Slovak is foreign language for Yohan. They talk about McQueen and Dagmar supports him by listening and repeating what he is saying, asking questions about his interests, sharing thought he tries to express.

How does she try to help to Yohan? Could you see teacher´s real interest to the conversation? Does she support Yohan? What do you think how Yohan feels?

Emotional bonding. Drawing together at the table.

Oliver (6 yrs. old) chose to draw teacher Dana and she asked him whether she can draw him. You can see atmosphere where both are at ease. They are occupied by drawing each other and they ask questions about their appearance. 

Can you see this emotional bond? How does teacher Dana fulfil Oliver´s emotional needs?  

Fruit salad preparation

Whole group of children and teacher Dana are preparing fruit salad. Children can decide what kind of fruit they want in the salad and everybody gets instruction what to do. Oliver (6 yrs. old) is sitting next to the teacher Dana who keeps eye on Oliver and support him by physical proximity.

How does Oliver feel? Does he feel secure? Why the physical proximity is important?

Relational need for help and support Paint house

Teacher Lorena follows the lead of Maria (4;6) in painting. Maria suggests painting a house, but she does not know how to do it. She needs support of Lorena to continue.

Although Maria says she doesn’t know how to paint a house, she gives it a try. How is Lorena helping her? Why is this important for the development of Maria?

Drawing faces of each other

Teacher Dana and Oliver (6 yrs. old) are drawing faces. They observe each other and compare certain features of their faces and hair. They are very spontaneous; Oliver feels comfortable and is happy. Their interaction is based on positive emotional bond.

What do you think why Oliver feels so good or relaxed? How could be described their relationship?

Drawing faces and writing the teacher´s name

Teacher Dana and Oliver (6 yrs. old) are spelling teacher´s name. Oliver drawn her face and now he wants to write down her name, she helps him. There is present trust between them, and it supports Oliver´s feeling of self-confidence and safety.

How is she helping to Oliver? Does she direct him or follow his request? How does Oliver feel?

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